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Cactus The Collectors Flowering Mix Seeds

Cactus The Collectors Flowering Mix Seeds

Regular price £1.75 GBP
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Cactus Collectors Flowering Mix

This exceptional cactus mix has been collect from enthusiast Prof. Ralph Martin's collection in the UK. The mix is probably one of the best you can get and will contain many plants of interest to beginners and collectors.

Included in this mix are many seeds which were collected in small numbers. This truly is a lucky dip of varieties but the mix may include the following Frailea seeds, Astrophytum, Aylostera, Copiapoa, Echinocereus, Echinopsis, Notocactus, Gymnocalycium, Lobivia, Notocactus, Turbinicarpus.

Our mix has over 20 species so you really don't know what your going to grow. We are excited to see what comes!

How to sow and grow cactus Seed

Sow in a tray using well drained cactus potting compost, water. Cover the pot for germination. The seed will start to germinate in 2 - 3 weeks but may take much longer.Pot up when the seeds are large enough to handle in well drained cactus compost. Some seedlings will grow slowly so be patient before potting them all up.

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