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Wild Flower Meadow Mixture Bees and Butterflies Seeds

Wild Flower Meadow Mixture Bees and Butterflies Seeds

Regular price £1.35 GBP
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Meadow Mixture - Bees and Butterflies

This mix has been specially put together to provide pollen and nectar for bees, butterflies and insects. It contains 20% wild flowers and 80% grass mix. 4g of seed is enough for 1 square metre of land.

The breakdown of the mixture is as follows:

Wild flowers:
Achillea Millefolium -Yarrow 0.4%
Centaurea Nigra - Common Knapweed 1.5%
Centaurea Scabiosa - Greater Knapweed 1%
Daucus Carota - Wild Carrot 1.5%
Echium Vulgare - Viper's Bugloss 1.2%
Eupatorium Cannabinum - Hemp Agrimony 0.1%
Galium Verum - Lady's Bedstraw 1.2%
Knautia Arvensis - Field Scabious 1.5%
Leontodon Hispidus - Rough Hawkbit 0.4%
Leucanthemum Vulgare - Oxeye Daisy 1%
Lotus Corniculatus - Birdsfoot Trefoil 2%
Malva Moschata - Musk Mallow 0.5%
Origanum Vulgare - Wild Marjoram 0.1%
Primula Veris - Cowslip 0.5%
Prunella Vulgaris - Selfheal 2%
Pulicaria Dysenterica - Common Fleabane 0.1%
Ranunculus Acris - Meadow Buttercup 1.6%
Reseda Lutea - Wild Mignonette 0.4%
Rhinanthus Minor - Yellow Rattle 1.5%
Silene Dioica - Red Campion 1%
Stachys Sylvatica - Hedge Woundwort 0.5%
Trifolium Pratense - Wild Red Clover 0.5%
Vicia Cracca - Tufted Vetch 0.5%

Agrostis Capillaris - Common Bent 10%
Anthoxanthum Odoratum - Sweet Vernal-grass 2%
Briza Media - Quaking Grass 2%
Cynosurus Cristatus - Crested Dogstail 32%
Festuca Ovina - Sheep's Fescue 10%
Festuca Rubra ssp. Juncea - Slender-creeping Red-fescue 18%
Phleum Bertolonii - Smaller Cat's-tail 4%
Trisetum Flavescens - Yellow Oat-grass 2%

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