Is it time to plant?
When do I plant out my Tender Plants?
This is the question I ask myself every year. There are a few simple things to do and you will avoid any problems
Harden Off Your Plants
Gardeners have their own terms so let's explain this one. Imagine you are just returning by plane from a wonderful hot holiday. You step off the aeroplane in your shorts and t-shirt and instantly regret it as the rain and cold chill you to the bone. It's the same for your plants that have been enjoying their spot in the greenhouse or on a window ledge. They take time to get used to the outdoor weather. To start, put them outside during the day but give some protection at night, gradually reduce this and after a couple of weeks they will be adapted to the outdoor climate.
What date should I plant out?
It's not about the date but about waiting for the last frost to well and truly be past. In my area the last date there has been a frost a few years ago was 17th May. I have checked my forecast for the next couple of weeks and decided that I can start planting out my annual plants.
Runner Beans hardening off before planting out
Wildflowers for the bees
This year I have sown annual cornfield mix and am also enjoying the oxeye sown last year and the backdrop of buttercups in the fields beyond.
I will finish with a few photos from around the garden and greenhouse. If you need any advise please get in touch and we will be glad to help.
Aquilegia in full flower
Carrots box in the greenhouse
Stunning Lithops just emerging from their winter rest.