The Season gets going for Giant Vegetables
Giant Onions
Growing large onions is a slow and steading process. I have now moved the 7 best onions into their 50 litre final pots. This is quite a challenge as the plants are quite large now but they are in place with no broken flags. I have continued to keep them in a small area of the greenhouse to minimise the heating bills. As far as possible I keep the temperature above 10C at night and around 20C in the day. This is a bit of a challenge to make sure they don't overheat as I am not around in the day.
I need to give them more space which I will do in a couple of weeks when the weather has warmed up a bit. The white loops are radiator pips which give the flags the necessary support.
Watering needs to be consistent to avoid problems, make sure the surface does not get wet as that will result in disease and potentially rotting.
I still have the plants under lights until the weather improves.
Carrots and Beetroot
I am a little behind last year with both the Carrots and the Beetroot. I still have the plants under the lights in the dull weather. I have thinned the plants down to one per pot. They are all in seed potting compost. Last year the Beetroot reached about 20 lb and the carrot was a total disaster so there is a lot to learn
The beetroot seedlings before thinning out and the carrot seedlings at the back. Many people use deeper pots for the carrots but for me this is what I had available.
If you want to find out more about growing giant vegetables then why not join one of the Giant vegetable groups on facebook like Giant Vegetable Community