Weekend meanderings.

Time to sit down, have a coffee listen  to football and write a few bits down about my weekend.......

After the slumbering time of December I feel I'm getting back into doing more than just eating now, not bad for the last day of January I suppose!

I love starting the day walking across our local fields, some air in the lungs and mud on the boots.  This does my soul the world of good and sets me up for the day.

In between life this weekend of food shopping, watching my son at football (An award was needed for that as it was freezing!) and a broken heating / hot water system I have managed to get some garden jobs done ..

After riinging heating engineers every one else in the family is staying inside in the (Almost) warmth I've at least some company out here......  

I need a way to keep her off the veg patches later in the year if any one has any ideas they would be very welcome.  In the mean time she helps dig to some extent though.

As you may have gathered I'm just getting used to this gardening lark again for this year so instead of finishing one job before going to the next I thought I;d do this differently today.

I have an area to dig over and I didn't fancy doing this all in one go. I therefore broke this up with repairing gates, cutting an tree back and a bit of tidying after Gertrude, the storm not another child.

I got this patch dug over nicely at least but I think I lust have planted some stone seeds last year and didn't realise as there were loads of the blighters.  Last year I gave this area a really good dig, de-stoned it took rubbish out of the soil.  How come then when  I go back to it again today this lot comes out, where did this all come from?

This has been tidied up honest, that Gertrude made a mess.....


Time to get on with peoples emails to us now and see how sales have done this weekend.  Lots of potatoes and onions going out still.  People doing lots of planning and planting of the vegetables going one judging by the sales, must be the allotments  etc.

It always amazes me where our seeds end up, a quick snap shot for you this weekend we have sales from Japan, Brazil, Scandanvia, most or Europe and some local ones here in Wrexham.

What ever you're up to have fun, be blessed and any questions just drop us a message.

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