Glorious October (I) think of it as the golden month.

Glorious October (I) think of it as the golden month.

What  seeds to sow in October?

The ground has been decidedly soggy from the recent downpours but there is promise of drier, warmer conditions later this month. Ideal then for sowing some overwinter broad beans and round seeded peas for early harvests next year. Broad beans - Super Aquadulce, Aquadulce Claudia and Imperial Greenpod are recommended though I prefer The Sutton - sturdier plants and shorter pods.  Peas - Feltham First, Meteor or Pilot are winter hardy.

Meanwhile I shall continue to sow a succession of land cress (as a good winter hardy substitute for watercress), an oriental mix of chinese leaves (for salads or stirfry greens) and perpetual spinach. 

Other leafy greens you could sow are lamb's lettuce (corn salad), winter lettuces such as Arctic King and purslane also known as claytonia. Garlic and autumn onion sets can be planted now too.

October is the month to sow Sweet Peas in pots or modules - more details later this month. Whilst my childhood memories are of my Dad digging up his dahlia tubers to store in the shed over the winter, October is a good time to sow dahlia seeds. Cornflowers too to flower from late spring to early summer next year. Plant bulbs such as crocus, cyclamen and alliums.



Quote: Glorious October:  I think of it as the golden month. There's goldenrod in the fields; the sunshine is melted honey; the foliage flames with orange, red, and gold. The days are warm and mellow, the nights sharp and cool. A man feels alive and full of energy and only slightly sad. ~Charles H.Knickerbocker, Summer Doctor, 1963

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