Mothering Sunday
Mothering Sunday is an historical and Christian tradition that goes back centuries. Once observed as a day on which people would visit their "mother" church, it became an occasion for honouring mothers. Traditionally gifts were flowers and a Simnel cake. The flowers were picked by the workers on the way home from work for a day with their mum; they'd pick wild flowers from the country lanes.
Here at JustSeed Limited we have partnered with a local artisan Rich Designs who creates bespoke handcrafts inspired and repurposed from natural finds gleaned from our shoreline and nature trails.
Our new gift combinations marry some of our most popular flower varieties with Rich Designs pendants in stylish packages. We have launched three – ‘Love in a Mist’ (nigella ), ‘Mother of Pearl’ (poppies) and ‘Superstar’ (calendula).