"October is the month of painted leaves."
quote is by Henry David Thoreau, Autumnal Tints
I'm clearing those leaves from my paths and patios to prevent a slippery carpet forming. (I don't mind them on my grass as my lawns are full of other plants such as clover.) I bag them up in old compost bags or heavy black bins bags with some grass cuttings such as they are, mixed in and I store them behind the garage for 18 months. Then voila - crumbly leafmould ready to use as a seed compost or soil improver with not a great deal of expense or effort on my part.
There is still time to sow green manures (or mulch the bare ground if the weather is against you)
'Which' reports that the best method to ripen green tomatoes is to bring them indoors and store in a cool, dark place such as a kitchen drawer. I don't have much room in my kitchen so I store mine in a box under my armchair and bring them out regularly to see progress. It does work! Good in soups, stews and sauces. Tip - don't add a banana, it makes the toms go mouldy)
Sow carrots under cover (cloches or in greenhouse) to overwinter for early cropping next year.
Sow sweet peas (article to follow later this month)
Plant garlic and spring cabbage.
Plant up spring bulbs in pots and containers for a heart-warming display for winter's end. Sue has some ideas in the next blog later this month.