
crimson clover in flower

Security blankets

Climate change, bio-diversity, water management, carbon sequestration, soil fertility, weed suppression – what have all these in common?               Green Manures are like security blankets, to fill in spaces as edible crops...

Security blankets

Climate change, bio-diversity, water management, carbon sequestration, soil fertility, weed suppression – what have all these in common?               Green Manures are like security blankets, to fill in spaces as edible crops...

Cornfield Annual flower mix grown by Diane. Photo used with permission.

Preparing for Next years Wildflowers

Inspired by television and radio gardening programs to do a little to encourage wildlife or enjoy the colours in a wildflower planting? Then you need to prepare now to sow...

Preparing for Next years Wildflowers

Inspired by television and radio gardening programs to do a little to encourage wildlife or enjoy the colours in a wildflower planting? Then you need to prepare now to sow...

"Now August comes with a dreamy haze of heat"

"Now August comes with a dreamy haze of heat"

* quote by Gladys Faber  Flower colours of hot yellows, oranges and purples reflect the sultry days of summer. Water well in dry spells - especially beans, cucumbers, marrows, leeks...

"Now August comes with a dreamy haze of heat"

* quote by Gladys Faber  Flower colours of hot yellows, oranges and purples reflect the sultry days of summer. Water well in dry spells - especially beans, cucumbers, marrows, leeks...

Holiday Watering Tips

Holiday Watering Tips

  The year seems to have gone so fast it’s hard to believe we’re already in the holiday season. I’ve been on a practice weekend away recently, leaving on Thursday...

Holiday Watering Tips

  The year seems to have gone so fast it’s hard to believe we’re already in the holiday season. I’ve been on a practice weekend away recently, leaving on Thursday...

July is not only a season of the year

July is not only a season of the year

July is not only a season of the year; it is a season of the mind and memory. Hot days and sultry nights and crashing thunderstorms are a part of...

July is not only a season of the year

July is not only a season of the year; it is a season of the mind and memory. Hot days and sultry nights and crashing thunderstorms are a part of...

Salad Leaves

Salad Leaves

What comes to mind? Limp lettuce? Crunchy leaves? Tangy spicy flavours? Salad leaves are available in a standard range as prepacked in the supermarket but can be quite expensive. Seed...

Salad Leaves

What comes to mind? Limp lettuce? Crunchy leaves? Tangy spicy flavours? Salad leaves are available in a standard range as prepacked in the supermarket but can be quite expensive. Seed...