Easy Annual Herbs for quick flavour
Easy to grow annual herbs from seed
Everything is running late in my garden this year. Not helped by the cold weather that is still hankering after being spring rather than summer. Though as I write the sun is scorching and there have been heat warnings. Well this is the UK?!
Many annual herbs can be grown in pots on a windowsill, containers or in the ground. Many can be used for leaf, seed and flowers. I have just sown some annual dill outside. It’s not too late for many of these annual herbs to be sown
What does annual herb mean?
Annual herbs are those that are sown, grown and die within a year. Also known as soft herbs, they are not hardy and are killed by the first frost. In the UK we also grow some biennial (such as parsley) and perennial (thyme) as annuals, re-sowing every year.
Overview of annual herbs
- Generally easy to grow
- Outside sow spring to early summer and then again 2-3 weeks later for succession crops
- Indoors some can be sown all year round
- In the ground, medium size pots or containers on a windowsill.
- Between 1 and 3 weeks to germinate
- About 8-10 weeks from sowing to harvest - for leaf. Longer for seeds and flowers
- Pick and use fresh
- Pick regularly to encourage new growth
- In hot weather water regularly to extend time before bolting
- Need protection as generally enjoyed by slugs and snails and prone to aphids
A staple of much Italian and Mediterranean cooking often paired with tomatoes both when growing and eating. There are also many varieties used worldwide including in Indian and Asian cookery and medicine.
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Beloved by bees - mainly used decoratively for the flowers, in salads or drinks. Young leaves may also be used. Likes to be in a sunny position.
Simple or curled is related to parsley. Chervil likes a cooler more shady position as it particularly prone to bolting in hot weather. It is tap rooted so minimise root disturbance when transplanting.
Again many varieties to suit different styles of cooking and growth situations. Grown for both seed and leaf, some varieties are more suited to leaf use such as coriander cilantro, coriander ‘confetti’, coriander ‘green aroma’. For seed use ‘Moroccan’.
Best sown outside if you can as the tap roots do not like being disturbed by transplanting but dill can also be sown in a pot to be grown indoors. Dill dukat and dill nano are smaller varieties that may be easier to grow in a pot or under grow lights.
More unusual annual herbs to try
Anise pimpinella
Anise is a half hardy annual which likes full son and a moist, fertile, well drained soil. Sow in situ as it dislikes root disturbance or if sown indoors transplant early so not to disturb the taproot. Needs a warm temperature to germinate so sow in beds after the risk of frost. Suitable for beds and containers.
Likes a sunny but sheltered position in a light, well draining soil. Sow in late spring indoors about 20OC germination takes 7-14 days. Transplant when small as dislikes taproot disturbance into beds and containers. Seed used in Indian food and for flavouring breads, cakes and cheese.
Summer Savory
Summer savory likes a sunny position in free draining soil. Sow in spring from March to May and harvest midsummer. It takes 2-3 weeks to germinate. Can be grown in beds or in containers. Similar in flavour to thyme it is often used with broad beans and runner beans. It is also traditionally used in herbs of provence for flavouring stews.
Purslane both green and golden leaves and stems can be used both as a salad leaf and as a flavouring. It likes a sunny position in unmanured light soils. Sow spring to late summer outdoors or all year indoors. Needs a temperature of 15-20oC to germinate in about 1-2 weeks.
Biennial herbs
Parsley is usually sown annually for leaf production. As a biennial parsley is sown one year and will flower the following year.
Uses are of all parts of the plant - young leaves for adding to stewed rhubarb, stems for candying, also used for flavouring.