Visit to Erlas Victorian Walled Garden Wrexham

Very local to JustSeed is a lovely walled garden that has been reclaimed and renovated by a team of local volunteers. As a charity they support disadvantaged young people with training in gardening. Several times a year the garden is open to the public who can wander round the walled vegetable area, wildlife pond and orchard and relax.

Recently the garden was open and I took half an hour to head down the lane and admire the handiwork of the staff and students. It’s been a tough time with covid restrictions for the students. I have previously only visited later in the year when the vegetables are well established. This year it seemed quite bare - but there was still a range of plants in their nursery beds and for sale along with their produce.

The orchard was in full blossom and looked lovely as did the fresh green of the local and borrowed trees.

If you get a chance to look at this lovely space the next open day is Sunday June 13th 2021 13:00 til 16:00 and further information can be found at

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