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Chamomile Lawn - Roman Chamaemelum Nobile Seeds

Chamomile Lawn - Roman Chamaemelum Nobile Seeds

Regular price £1.15 GBP
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Lawn or Roman Chamomile - Chamaemelum Nobile

Lawn or Roman Chamomile - used for centuries for making lawns, this variety is a low-growing, creeping plant, with dark green, finely divided leaves that are aromatic when crushed with a sweet apple fragrance. Reaching a height of 10cm (4in), it has small white, daisy-like flowers all summer.

Easy To Grow Lawn Chamomile Seeds

Sow under cover in early spring (February or early March), providing bottom heat of 19C using good quality seed compost with added perlite for drainage. Plant out in the lawn area in late spring (usually May). Or direct outdoors: broadcast on finely tilled, weed free soil, in May, thin to 10 cm spacing. Keep trimmed back to 15 cm tall to encourage spreading.

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