Wild Flower Meadow Mixture Tussock for Wild Animals Seeds
Wild Flower Meadow Mixture Tussock for Wild Animals Seeds
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Meadow Mixture - Tussock for Wild Animals
This mix is made up of robust wild flowers and grasses that form a tussock structure, which provides a great habitat for birds, invertebrates and other animals. This mix does not need to be cut or grazed during the year. It contains 20% wild flowers and 80% grass mix.
The breakdown of the mix is as follows:
Wild Flowers
Acillea Millefolium - Yarrow 0.5%
Agrimonia Eupatoria - Agrimony 1%
Centarea Nigra - Common Knapweed 3%
Centaurea Scabiosa - Greater Knapweed 0.5%
Daucus Carota - Wild Carrot 1%
Dipsacus Fullonum - Wild Teasel 1%
Galium Mollugo - Hedge Bedstraw 2%
Geranium Pratense - Meadow Cranesbill 0.5%
Hypericum Perforatum - Perforate's St John’s Wort 1%
Leucanthmum Vulgare - Oxeye Daisy 1.5%
Plantago Lanceolata - Ribwort Plantain 1%
Silene Dioica - Red Campion 1%
Torilis Japonica - Upright Hedge Parsley 1%
Verbascum Thapsus - Great Mullein 0.5%
Vicia Cracca - Tufted Vetch 2%
Vicia Sativa ssp Segetalis - Common Vetch 1.5%
Alopecurus Pratensis - Meadow Foxtail 5%
Cynosurus Cristatus - Crested Dogstail 20%
Dactylis Glomerata - Cocksfoot 15%
Deschampsia Cespitosa - Tufted Hair Grass 5%
Festuca Arundinacea - Tall Fescue 10%
Festuca Pratensis - Meadow Fescue 10%
Festuca Rubra ssp Rubra- Red Fescue 10%
Holcus Lanatus - Yorkshire Fog 3%
Trisetum Flavescens - Yellow Oat- Grass 2%