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Wild Flower Mixture Clay Soils Seeds

Wild Flower Mixture Clay Soils Seeds

Regular price £2.85 GBP
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Wild Flower Mixture for Clay Soils

This mix is ideal for clay soils as it contains wild flowers that grow well in these conditions. Clay soils can get very heavy when wet and solid when dry. This mix contains 100% wild flowers and 1.5g is enough to sow one metre square of land.

The mix contains a mix of the following

Achillea millefolium – Yarrow

Agrimonia eupatoria – Agrimony

Betonica officinalis – Betony

Centaurea nigra – Common Knapweed

Galium verum – Lady’s Bedstraw

Geranium pratense – Meadow Crane’s-bill

Lathyrus pratensis – Meadow Vetchling

Leontodon hispidus – Rough Hawkbit

Leucanthemum vulgare – Oxeye Daisy

Lotus corniculatus – Bird’s-foot Trefoil

Malva moschata – Musk Mallow

Medicago lupulina – Black Medick

Plantago lanceolata – Ribwort Plantain

Primula veris – Cowslip

Prunella vulgaris – Selfheal

Ranunculus acris – Meadow Buttercup

Rhinanthus minor – Yellow Rattle

Sanguisorba officinalis – Great Burnet

Silaum silaus – Pepper-saxifrage

Silene flos-cuculi – Ragged Robin

Vicia cracca – Tufted Vetch


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